Speaking Of ‘Catalysts’

Yesterday I posted about the ‘catalyst’ concept. One session a week may not make the hugest difference to someone who already has a strong exercise background

Oct 05, 2022

Fitness: The Top 5 Changes

When you start exercising you are wanting results! So what can you expect to see, feel and experience? Can you get a 6 pack if you currently have an extra 20kg in 90 days?

Jan 11, 2023

My ‘Why’ In 2023

uI have written about the ‘Why’ a number of times over the years. I believe it is super important. It is literally the fuel of your actions. When a ‘why’ is strong enough, the ‘how’ becomes easy

Mar 01, 2023

The Current State Of Play..

Gidday, Anthony G here. Thought it would be worthwhile updating those who are interested on the current ‘state of play’ of Best Practice Personal Training and you may have heard

Mar 17, 2023